
I am lucky to have been supported by countless people. This thank-you page is dedicated to all these individuals, without whom I would not be where I am today.

Thanks …

Dad, Mom, Maxi, Grandmas, Grandpas and all other relatives for being such a wonderful, supportive family.

… Marlene, for everything.

… to my friends for your advice, support and the time with you.

… Dr. Christina Müller for awakening my passion for geography.

… to my former high school for eight great school years.

… to the Geography Department of the University of Bonn and the Geography Student Council for the interesting studies, the friendly lecturers, and an unforgettable student life.

… Adj. Prof. Dr. Manfred Nutz for your support and your trust in me during my studies, especially during my first semesters.

… Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve for your help and advice with my scholarship application.

… Patrick Hainbuch for the productive and fun cooperation as chairs of the Student Council.

… to the University College London for a great semester abroad with many valuable experiences.

… to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation for the scholarship and the support during my studies.

… Ulrike Warnecke for the clarinet lessons and the joy of music.

Salamat Nurmatova and her team for the unforgettable excursion to Kyrgyzstan.

Icons8 for the design of my website logo.

… to all those I have forgotten on this list, although you are unforgotten in my heart.

If someone doesn’t want to be mentioned on this list (anymore) or if I made a mistake, please contact me!